Archive for the ‘sewing’ Category

This Week on Pinterest- Pillowcase Nightgown

November 5, 2012

Now this was a FANTASTIC idea!

These gowns are made from pillowcases. We created them from THIS tutorial.

I can’t even tell you how easy this tutorial was– the exception being the closure on the back. We had to improvise on the closure, but that was easy enough. We just made a button/loop closure at the top.

Just think of all those antique pillowcases sitting in thrift stores across America. You could have some really sweet gowns for your little one!

Last Weekend

November 1, 2012

Mama came for a visit.

She always has something exciting planned for the kiddos.

This week, she had found a Barbie futon at her local thrift store. She worked with the little girls to make a custom cover. She had Emma cut out the pattern and tie little bows. She was so patient as they worked along her side. I know they enjoyed every minute.

With Grandmommy keeping the little girls busy, Courtney and I were able to sew up four pair of p.j. bottoms for the boys.

Of course, the weather turned much cooler early this week. We were really excited to have those warm, new jammies!

It was a terrific Saturday.

Thank you, Mom, for blessing our family this last weekend!!

POTD- April 19, 2012

April 19, 2012

A baby gift for a sweet little guy ….